Sunday 19 May 2013


I miss Glenholme :) now I am at Intermediate, I miss all my (now) year 6 friends x

Friday 21 December 2012

Christmas day
I cant wait until Christmas, all the presents I get, about a dozen.
Christmas is the most appreciant day ever.
To give in thanks of the year.
I cant wait to see what I have got from my family...

Friday 9 November 2012

The Amazing Eiffel Tower

Have you ever been to Paris and seen the Eiffel Tower you own eyes?
As you know the Eiffel Tower is located in Paris (the city of love) ,FRANCE. 
Did you know that the Eiffel Tower was built as an archway entrance to the World exposition held in 1889 and it was designed by Alexander Gustave Eiffel 
He was a French structural engineer from the École Centrale Paris
 It is an interesting fact to know that his creation was named after him. EIFFEL tower

But, guess what!? To be the best landmark in Paris, Gustave the Eiffel tower took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to actually give the Eiffel tower its strength and to actually build it.

Also, since the Eiffel tower was built in 1889, which makes it 123 years old .The tower is still standing in perfect shape.
However, The Eiffel Tower which swings in air is purely made of steel. In fact, Gustave Eiffel built it with steel to prove the fact that steel can be as strong as stones. The tower was built using 9,441 tons of steel, made at a factory owned by Dupont and Fould. 
The tower weighs 10,100 tons, 7,300 ton is pure metal,

But, if you think that the Effel Tower's materials only costed 1,000 plus
Well, your wrong.. Because, it costed the Eiffel Tower about $1.5 million. 
Which is a huge amount.
Also, most people in Paris mostly ride a Skyline near the Tower to see it light up at night..
They can see it properly, because the height was 312m earlier without the antennas. And as the antennas were added for radio transmission, the height of the Eiffel Tower increased to 324m
So thats why I love Paris and the Effel Tower.

I hoped you enjoyed this information.


Saturday 8 September 2012

I dream

I dream

I dream of of floating away on a cloud
I dream of catching a falling star 
I dream of Soft silky trees 
and a soft blue sky.

I dream of my perfect friends
I dream of sitting on a cloud
I dream of balloons drifting into the silky blue sky
I dream of me to hold a star in my very hands
I dream of all the technology
And how fascinating that would be.

I dream of the moon 

I dream of stars 
I dream of going to Mars
I dream of how I'll be queen of the Martians 
I dream of how I'll love my subjects 
And people always said I belonged on another planet.

I dream of snow
I dream of rain
I dream of summer 
I dream of fall
I dream of day 
And night

I dream of Paris ,My biggest dream 
I dream of faith 
I dream of hope 
I dream of culture 
I dream of life 
And I dream sweet dreams. 

-By Maraea

Friday 7 September 2012

What is your dream job?...

What is your dream job?... at

School production finaly over

The School Production has passed yesterday (NZL) two performances ,during school and at night. My papa ,mum and aunty came to support me. Everyone said I stood out with my hair in a french plait and put in a bun with a rose to top it off.
It wasnt as bad as I thought up on the stage dancing

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Excited but nervous

Our school production is taking place next week I cant wait, I am kind of nervous. Our teacher Whaea Lisa and her daughter are the choreographers. All we get given is a song that we have to make a dance to. Our's is finished but we are editing bits and pieces to get our energy level to a high standard.
Today we shared all our dances to our group (Group B).
Aswell I am excited but nervous.
Our song that we have to dance to is called Danza Kuduro-a spanish song because the prodution is about Tamati's Treasure-An ancient Maori story, special to New Zealand.


Tuesday 14 August 2012

Olympic statement

Even though the Olympics has finished, Go Valerie Adams! As she has achieved us Kiwi's a Gold Medal as her opponent failed a test and Valerie hadn't.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Our Student Teacher.

Our wonderful Student Teacher In the last few weeks c1 has had a Student Teacher that has been Teaching us. She is learning how to teach students as they grow up in the future. She is a pretty, fun, clever student teacher. Now this week, we are studying about what had happened at "London Olympics 2012". We are also studying about a little bit of our language here in "New Zealand". 

 She also taught us things that we didn't know about the Olympic Games. But, guess what, She has finally past her test of being a qualified teacher, and she absolutely deserved it.

 I still miss Whaea Lisa only 1 more week until our student teacher is leaving, we are going to miss her dearly. Even some of our naughty classmates miss-behave, But I think our naughty classmates would still miss her too.

Sunday 29 July 2012

The Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games.

The Olympics are finally here.

I watched the Opening Ceremony Of the Olympic Games.
My thought about the Olympic Games is that the whole idea of it was to teach young that past and it was an educational success for the  Olympic Ceremony.
I cheer for the New Zealand team and watching Nick Willis carry our flag was just so once in a lifetime.
Watching Nick Willis made me so happy that he carried our flag.
The Olympics are held every four years and then I would fourteen so I would have to know all about the Olympics as I get older.
Everyone who has grown up witnessing the Olympic Games would be so happy to see that its still going on every four years.
Today I watched a little bit of Woman's Weightlifting watching that made me catch shivers down my spine, as I seen young girls lifting something so heavy. You have to have good strength and  good leg muscles to hold something that heavy above your head.

Bye Bye for now I will keep writing about the Olympics as it goes further on.
Thanks for reading and visiting my blog. 

Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Olympics!

                                        Yay Here Comes The Olympics.
Yay I cant wait for the Olympics to start.
The things that interest me are the flags, people and of course the sports.
The two sports that interest me the most are Running and Shot-put.
Everyone cant wait for the Olympics.
I think the opening ceremony is going to be huge, like the Rugby World Cup 2011.
One of my favourite players is Valerie Adams she is a big role model of New Zealand.
It is good to get out there and participate in the Olympics to re-present your Whanau (family) and your country.
But most of all in the Olympics is you have to enjoy what you are participating in ,be happy about yourself and do a great job.

There will be more coming soon about the Olympics after the Big Opening Ceremony.

By Maraea.

Sunday 8 July 2012

The Tree Of Life◘◘◘

Summer is boiling hot sitting and playing at the beach
Spring is blossoms changing their colors and roses thorns getting sharp
Autumn is playing in a hurdle of leaves

is going to play in the snow at Mt Ruapehu.

Sunday 1 July 2012

To the world you may be one person...
But to one person you may be the world...

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Summer is happiness and laughter.

Autumn is a warm windy haze.

Winter is cold and frostysnow.

                       Spring is blossoms growing and roses too.



Love is care...

Care is a smile...

Smiles make happiness...

Laughter can be fear...

Fear is hot red anger...

Anger is shameful...

As its all connected...


Thursday 14 June 2012

My poem♥♥♥

My poem.

Yes, that’s me
Look and you’ll 

My hair is brown

My heart is kind

I’m nice

I hope that I will...

It’s all clear as can be.

That’s positively, absolutely me.

-- Maraea

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Maraeas voki

A poem from me ♥♥♥

I hear the laughter and splashing of everyone having fun.
I feel so happy under the sun.
Its lovely to experience this noise.
The clear peaceful beach has everything you can dream of.
-- Maraea

I am...♥♥♥

'I am'

I am a follower, trusting, walking, humble, hopeful.
I am joy, with peace and wonder.
I am hugs and arms waving, trying to speak my heart.
I am a follower, trusting, walking, humble, hopeful.
I am lilting melodies, sad and sweet, mixed with the poetry of words.

A little bit about me♥♥♥

Hello welcome to my blog.
My name is Maraea.
I have recently moved to Rotorua ( NZ ) from Napier.
I have relatives here in Rotorua. Like my Nan, Papa, Great-Grandfather, Uncles, Aunties, Cousins and my Godmother.
My Nan is a teacher, she teaches at Rotorua Intermediate. Where I would be going to next year because I am a Year 6 in  School
If I was to be a Smurf I would probably be Clumsy Smurf.    Even thoe my Favourite Smurfs are Smurfette,Papa Smurf and Clumsy Smurf.

-- By Maraea.